Wednesday, April 09, 2008

A very sad day has just passed...

A very sad day has just passed...
Being a medical professional, death is not something foreign to us. We see gravely ill patients day in and day out, try our best to resuscitate them whenever necessary, inform the family members at the right time and later pronounce them dead, while keeping a straight face and maintain our professionalism. The family members will cry their eyes out upon hearing the news, whilst we, need to remain calm.
However, despite being a medical doctor, dealing with death of a our own close family member is a whole different ball game.
Funny..I received the news about the death of my great grandmother three years back, and today, my grandmother's death..Both in which I was at Selayang Hospital attending a course..
Funny..when I missed both my paternal and maternal grandmother's funeral..
Funny..I have not shed a tear since the I was told that my grandmother passed away at 1410 yesterday..
Al-Fatihah to dearest Opah..


Anonymous said...

al fatihah to your opah
takziah buat putri

Iron Butterfly said...

sometimes crying is good couz. I'm sorry you missed both Ninda and Opah's funerals.