Friday, April 11, 2008

2 dozen of roses and another 4

Not all girls appreciate fresh flowers.

When guys have the assumption that flowers can make every girl melt and fall in love with them, it could backfire when it comes to certain girls.

As for me, I go with the majority of girls-Fresh flowers are a sign of love.

For the first time ever, I received so much of flowers that I didn't know how to handle them. I didn't have enough vases and was too tired to prune all the stems.

I initally took the orange and pink roses and trimmed the ends and thorns away and put them in the individual vases. By the time I finished doing the 2 dozen of roses, and was already very tired and sleepy-it was 12 midnight and I had to go to work the next day.

Two down, four more to go....

Suddenly I had a great idea. I remember watching movies (You Got Mail?) whereby when the ladies upon receiving flowers wrapped in newspaper, they'll just take the bouquet and put them directly into a vase. So now, why bother pruning them?

Hence, I looked for a rather large vase and stuffed the other 4 dozen of roses into it. I had to fill the gaps in between with newspaper to keep the stems standing straight. The end result was perfect.

I brought the bouquet to my apartment the next day and it looked lovely by my bedside.

Thank you dearest for the lovely flowers..Even though I was initially distressed, it brought a smile to my face everytime I laid my eyes on them.

After 2 minutes of flower arranging

By the bedside

1 comment:

Iron Butterfly said...

waahh. Azim bagi bunga sempena aper ni? Sempena sesuka hati kan kan kan...