Monday, December 29, 2008

New Year, New Beginning

People say that new year is like a new beginning. It gives a chance for you to start over, experience new hopes and new possibilities. To me, everyday is like a new beginning. When something awful happens, deal with it within the same day if possible, and later sleep comfortably that night, and have a fresh start the next day. Of course it is easier said than done. With this in mind, it does help to get on with life as quickly as possible.

I have gone through a lot this past one year. It was like a roller coaster for me; having to work in a new place with new set of collegues, the difficulties that I face with my family and studies, and of course, the troubles that I had with my relationship. Like a friend once told me, all this experiences will make our life more colourful and at least, there'll be plenty of stories for us to tell to our grandchildren. That is, an interesting angle to look from.

Nevertheless, with the Maal Hijrah today and New Year in two days time, everybody would hope and pray for the same thing. To forgive our sins over the past one year, and hoping for a better life in the future.


Anonymous said...

hope all your dream come true in this new year!!!

Putri Z. said...

Anon: Thanks for your wish..:) I do hope the upcoming year will be better than the terms of family and career...