Wednesday, December 03, 2008

From 'Insect' to Ridsect

After coming back from work today, being post-call and all, the first thing that I wanted to do was to just rest my head on the bed to catch up with my sleep. My stomach was growling of hunger, but my priority was still sleep...

Anyway, while I was dozing off, I felt this tingling sensation over my right arm. I turned my head to my right and saw an 'insect' in the inner part of my blouse. Thought it was ant or a bug, so I attempted to catch/crush it with my hand (I was wearing a long sleeved blouse). After grabbing hold of it, it suddenly stopped moving, so I thought the 'insect' was dead. I was just too tired so I didn't bother to change my clothes, and so dozed off after a few seconds.

And then, suddenly I felt it again. A cold, ticklish sensation over my arm. That 'insect' was still moving... I looked at it harder, through my white blouse, and I shrieked when I realize what it was! It was a.........


LIZARD! A baby cicak!

UUURrghhhhh......Yucks!! Disgusting!

I jumped out from my bed, shrugged my body and shoulders, and the lizard fell to the floor..and worse part was that a part of its tail got stuck to my inner sleeve and the rest of the lizard...was gasping for air on the floor of my bedroom. Really!

While the lizard was taking its last few breaths, the next thing I did was....

---spray half a can on Ridsect on it! I was scared ok!

Since I was really tired today, being sleep deprived and all, the scary incident did not stop me from sleeping. After disposing the lizard, I slumped on my bed and almost immediately, I was off to dreamland..


Anonymous said...


adoiii .. memang kaki tido :D

senak pewot aku .. hahahaahhahaa!!!

tak pulak ko nanges sampai pengsan yek? :p

Putri Z. said...

hahaha..that's y. nasib bukan cacing!

Anonymous said...

hey there, i was bloghopping... and oh yes lizard is disgusting!!! hari tu cicak masuk dlm kain i while i was at R&R Temerloh, tapi bile dah smpi KL baru i sedar... yuck!! and it was no babycicak. mother kot

Putri Z. said...

Ewww...takkan tak prasan kot! that's really disgusting..If I were u rasenya dah pengsan kot.