Saturday, March 01, 2008


How I wish I've a switch off button for myself.

It was only recently that I realise that my mind thinks about work almost 24 hours a day. Yes, I am not obliged to answer calls from the hospital after 5pm if I'm not on-call. Despite that, even though I'm home, I always reflect back the patients that I saw, the decisions that I made and the events that happened.

Even when I fall asleep at night, subconsciously my brain will on the rewind button. And again I'd be thinking about the things that I did. The worse part being the events I try to forget -e.g. the small mistakes the I made, the comments that my boss passed to me, the rude patients, and the knowledge that I lack. A few days ago, I woke up in the middle of the night and I tried really hard to sleep again. My mind went adrift and I was just thinking about work, work and work. It a really painful 2 hours.

Ironically, it was an unemployed man, who shed me the light and made me realise this fact. I need a DOWNTIME.

When you're in a job, which constantly uses your mind, it is very important to have time for yourself, do what makes you happy and just switch OFF.

Unlike people who uses their physical energy to work, like farmers, factory workers, cleaners and contractors, what they need is a good sleep after a long day of work. The next day, they are fully charged and can get to work again. That simple.

On the other hand, as for other jobs which require lots of planning, making decisions, meeting people etc, we need something to rest of mind after work. Sleeping does not work 100% in resting our brains, as our brain is still running while are asleep. Hence we need to do something different like, dancing, playing music, cooking, shopping, doing an art project, sewing, playing sports, go for a holiday etc.

Today is my downtime. Not thinking about work. Not thinking about work. Not thinking about work. Not thinking about work.


yon325 said...

just get back ur hobbies once u hav. Allocate sometimes in a day to do the things u like to do. No more works or patients images in ur mind. Hope u always happy

Anonymous said...

you've done great al this while.. why don't you go for a short vacation somewhere??

Iron Butterfly said...

yeah Yee, lets go shopping in Bandung. hehe.

Putri Z. said...

Yeah..a holiday sounds nice..I need to chill..

Bandung? jgn gi time cuti sudah. nanti ramai org jakarta turun. payah nak shopping.