Saturday, April 09, 2011

PD Trip

After weeks of waiting, we finally get to spend our free hotel stay voucher..just one week before it's expiry date. In view of our busy schedule, our holiday getaway had to be postponed numerous times. With the limited number of mutual free days that we had, the task was made more difficult as Corus Paradise Hotel seemed to be fully booked on most days. As we are only entitled to use the voucher on a weekday, we decided to head to PD on a Sunday..At least I get to save my leave..

We gave Aniq a bottle of milk just before we left and he slept the whole way...Good boy!

After putting our luggage in the room, we decided not to waste any time and headed straight to the nearby stalls to look for Durian. A must-stop everytime we visit PD.

We decided that it was time that Aniq had his first taste of Durian. He just took it in and did not even make a face. That's my boy!

We then headed back to the hotel and decided that the weather was just nice for us to spend some time by the beach. The great thing about Corus Paradise Hotel is that it has a private beach, and a small cove. At the time that we went, we were the only ones by the tak payah la nak kena control2 sangat..

First time touching sand....

Another thing that we had planned to do was to make sandcastles by the beach. I bought a sandcastle making set from Penang, and I was excited to try it. Aniq was too young to appreciate it, but he did have fun playing with the spade and banging the utensils together...

We wanted to sit in the shade, so my husband had to make more then ten trips to the beach side just to get wet sand for us to build sandcastles. Haha. parents pulak yang seronok.

As Aniq was still all excited, we decided to bring him for a swim in the pool. After washing off all the sand, we wore him his new pair of swimming outfit and Splash!

We didn't spend so long in the pool, coz he had a fever after his first swim a few months ago..Didn't want history to repeat itself..

We had early dinner that day, and after feeding Aniq with porridge and a bottle of milk he immediately slept..He must have been so exhausted..At least, Husband and I get to spend some time on our own at dinnertime..

At Barakah Seafood Restaurant. Fast service and excellent food.

The following day we spent most of the time in the room since we have done everything on the first day...

While having breakfast that morning...

Ocean view from our room

It was a truly wonderful holiday..A chance to spend quality time together and it was also fun taking care of our baby on our own without any help from the maid..:)

Thank u NST and Corus Paradise Hotel, for our partially sponsored holiday!


Mrs Ahmad.. said...

wow, it looks fun. Planning to go for a holiday with hubby and hana sometime next mth as well. where to if not PD :p

nina said...

aniq <3 doghoyan .. cool! tapi tak ke panas badan? anw - mobile toy yg sangat comel :p

Shalyz said...

That last pic of Aniq and Azim... Aniq is like the spitting image of his uncle Omar (with a bit of Ku Jah there as well).. :P

Glad you had a good holiday.. goodness knows you guys deserve it.. :)

Putri Z. said...

maryam: yup, it was a great holiday indeed. PD is ok, the place is just nice for a family trip. The important thing is always the company..:)

ninna: lepas makan durian, aniq ok jer mlm tu. tak meragam pon..and dia mmg suka toy tu. dari kecik sampai besau. kalau gi travelling mesti bawak.

lyz: hehe..yeah, he does have omar's features..and he inherited his uncle's cheekiness too!

Iron Butterfly said...

huiyo seksi Azim. i remember playing at the same pool some couple of years back at Chorus. rindu Aniq!!