Thursday, May 29, 2008


I am still struggling to widen my vocabulary. Nope, not for the Malay language, not for English, but for Kelantanese. Heh.
I was in the ward yesterday when my nurse was explaining to me about the new patient that just admitted. The child came in with high grade fever and the nurse managed to get some extra information about the patient. Apparently the child might be having 'fits' at home. She was explaining to me..
Nurse: Saya rasa patient tu ade fit la kat rumah. Mak dia kata anak dia selalu macam ade jerking sebelum atau masa tido.
Me: Maybe budak tu terkejut kot? mengigau ke?
Nurse: Owwhh...mungkin jugak ye, doktor. kalau org kelantan ckp KABO la.
Me: Huh? KABO tu ape?
Nurse: Allaaa..mcm terkejut masa tido la.
Haih...Despite being half Kelantanese, I have so much to i wish there's a Kelantanese dictionary. Won't that be great? Hey, that's a great idea actually, come to think of it.
For the record, I can understand the languange but can't speak fluently..Without practice, how could one master the language, right?
Well, as for the patient, she didn't have any episode of fits or KABO in the ward up to today...


Iron Butterfly said...

KKABO tu terkejut time tido laa.. heheheh..

Putri Z. said...

so btul la ape my nurse ckp tu..senang la ade cousin yang walking dictionary nihh...

Iron Butterfly said...

hahahaah... Ron is better at translating Kelate to English.