Thursday, May 01, 2008

Labour Day

How does it feel like to be working on labour day?
Today morning I was praying hard that I'll have a quite day at work. People are not supposed to work today, and I'm supposed to be resting at home!
I was grumbling to my boss yesterday that I had to work on Labour Day. And so he asked me,'Are you a labourer?' Hmmm. Interesting. I don't know much about our Labour Law, but apparently it states that we're supposed to get triple pay if we work on Labour Day. It is true? I'm not sure.
Anyway, Hari Pekerja is becoming Hari Bekerja for me today. Patients coming to my ward non-stop. Funny me saying that coz I still have the time to prepare this entry! It was actually a busy day for me upto now..
Another 9 and a half hours to go till the other 'labourers' come...Hope I'll have a good sleep tonight.


yon325 said...

haha.. u r not labourer la..u r slave..hehe..just like me

Putri Z. said...

yeah..that's right..! probably not so much as an MO though...but I'm glad I had a fairly good call that day!