Sunday, May 15, 2011

New toy

Last week, I rewarded myself with a brand new handphoneand I’m loving it to bits!

As my son is so fond of gadgets nowadays, my handphone has always been one of his favourite toys. I guess that I was how the monitor of my old handphone got damaged: due to constant throwing and dropping.

The safest option was actually to buy a cheap handphone, it view of the ‘violent’ user that I have at home (and not to mention, myself!), but the new iphone4 was just to hard to resist.

When I went to Digital Mall last week to find as suitable cover for my new phone, I asked one of the sales person there for his opinion.

‘ Yang mana cover atau casing bagus untuk bagi handphone tak rosak kalau anak anak saya main?’

He then gave me a look.

‘ Aiiyyaa…Senang saja. Iphone mana boleh kasi anak main..’

I then found my answer. I just can’t be too kind to my son and allow him to play with every single thing that I own..I have been sort of successful so far..

Anyway, back to my iphone..

It has been my savior for a few occasions this past one week:

1. Used it to review my script that was sent to me via email by my partner, when I was rehearsing for the Allergy Seminar, as I didn’t have a functioning printer at home.

2. Used it as a translator as the script was in Malay and we had difficulty to translate a few English words.

3. Used it a camera, when I saw interesting clinical signs at work.

4. Used it as a torchlight to view the fusebox when I house was blacked out today.

I initially couldn’t decide whether I should sign up for the 1 year of 2 year contract, but now, I don’t think I will ever be tired of this phone..:)


Shalyz said...

Well done! Now pls get urself on WhatsApp so that we can catch up whenever.. :D

yang said...

actually there is a good protective cover for the users like u.