Monday, December 20, 2010

HSB Book of Records

This can happen if you have undiagnosed diabetes in pregnancy.
The largest baby ever born at my hospital.
weighing 5.7kg.

Everybody was busy snapping photos with him the day he was born..

Can you just imagine how hard it was to get a intravenous access for him?
As expected, he was hypoglycaemic at Day 1 of life.

I just can't imagine him being in my uterus..


aieesha.salleh said...

kalau parents ada diabetic time pregnant, adakah anak akan kena juga?

Shalyz said...

or kalau mak dia ada high cholesterol... will that effect the baby too...?

Putri Z. said...

tino:actually it's the opposite. masa mak ngandung, bcoz byk gula dlm badan mak,baby akan buat byk insulin (utk turunkan gula). so lepas baby lahir, insulin dlm badan baby akan turunkan gula dlm badan dia. so, baby pon kurang gula...

shalyz: nope. mother with high cholesterol won't have any effect to the baby. just on herself...:)

Mrs Ahmad.. said...

hey putri, did not know dat u have a blog! I follow u :p Anyways, keep blogging, which i rarely do these days.

Putri Z. said...

hey maryam. thanks for dropping by...

Shalyz said...

jadinya in this poor baby's case.. will he have long-term health problems becoz of his mom's diabetes?

will he eventually shrink to normal size or he will continue to be michelin-man like (walaupun sooo cuddly, tapi sian tengok dia)...

Iron Butterfly said...
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Iron Butterfly said...

Shaliz, my bestfriend was born at 5.0kg, and after 28 years, she only gained another 45kg. (yeah the hot bitch's 50kg).

But maybe that's normal becoz she's mat salleh mixed. he he he..

Putri Z. said...

esoh dulu was a 5kg baby ker? OMG. I find that hard to believe!