Monday, June 23, 2008

Taugeh- to eat or not to eat?

I was having lunch at Hartini on Saturday when suddenly the topic of 'taugeh' came up.

My other half: U tau taugeh ni sebenarnye takde khasiat pon?

Me: Ye ke? Habis tu baik takyah makan camtu.

My other half: Betul..kalau tak caya gi la tanya pakar diet kat hospital u. Cuba tanya dia skarang.

Me: U ingat semua phone number staff hospital banting dlm phone I ke?

My other half: *laughs*

Me: Oklah. Hari Isnin I tanya dia.

I was rather free today, hence I surfed the net for nutritional benefits of taugeh or also known bean sprouts.

What I found out-- Benefits of taugeh:

1. no cholesterol
2. low in calories
3. contain vitamins A, B, C, E- antioxidants
4. contain enzymes which aid in digestion
5. high amount of fiber
6. contain minerals (iron, potassium)

And so..looks like I won this battle. Sorry dear, looks like u have to try harder next time.


Iron Butterfly said...

wahwah.. skarang dah pandai blog dialog dengan kekasih hati yer.. ngeh3..

Anonymous said...

hehehe, put3 = 1, mr right = 0..
keh keh keh..
ada hati nak lawan cakap doc E